-Offer information and advice to applicants on the nature of postgraduate study at UAL (e.g. self-directed, research-led, specialist)
-Advise students of the entry requirements and what UAL is looking for in an MA level application (including research question as expressed through study proposal, and portfolio)
-Provide students with an engaging, interactive experience and an opportunity to share ideas with other prospective students and the member of academic staff delivering the seminar
-Help students understand what the next steps are in preparing their MA application and evolving their study proposal and portfolio prior to interview.
人数限制:20 人
地点:伦艺北京办公室 - 北京市东城区歌华大厦(北二环小街桥)B座620
注:确认报名后,请联系伦敦艺术大学北京办公室学术顾问老师,索取Application Form和硕士研讨会内容表格,并提前填写,当天带上此表格,对您的硕士申请非常有帮助。
电话报名:010-8418 6733 /6722/6755/ 6788 / 6799 / 6783
邮箱报名: artslondon@vip.163.com