2020-12-10 来源:伦敦艺术大学北京代表处
联系电话:010-8418 6755/ 6799/ 6783 / 6733 / 6785
CAM 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
MA Graphic Design Communication
硕士 视觉传达设计专业
- As part of your application please include a 2-3 minute video to describe an organisation, network, or community that you would like to become involved with on a personal and professional level. Think of this as a hypothetical idea which asks you to imagine how you might value sharing your skills with teams of people interested in any type of social action or creative innovation. Explain your choice to us. Rather than choosing a graphic design communication studio, you should think of a group of people who are working in interesting ways to share/create/facilitate ideas and skills for others and imagine yourself as part of this community. The community could be in your neighbourhood, within a specialist centre, or an online community.
- Within your video you must be visible, speak clearly in English and look towards the camera. Ensure you record yourself alone and the audio is clear.
- Please ensure you read PebblePad's file uploads and limits when submitting your video. If you have declared a learning difference or a disability in your application you may submit an audio or written file if this task is not accessible to you.
- 作为申请的一部分,学生需提供一个2-3分钟的视频。
- 从个人和专业的层面,描述一个你想参与其中的组织机构、网络社群或社会群体。设想在这个组织中,你会如何与团队中对社会行动或对创意创新感兴趣的人分享你的技能和经验?在视频中向面试官解释你的选择。比起选择一个平面设计工作室,建议你应考虑的是一个致力于通过创新的方式来与他人分享、创造、并激发灵感和技能的团队或群体,而你是这样一个团队的一员。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 如在申请中事先声明是残障人士,或因不可抗力无法提交此视频,学生可选择提交音频或书面材料替代。
CAM 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
MA Interior and Spatial Design
硕士 室内与空间设计专业
- As part of your application please include a 3 minute video. Within your video please take 90 seconds to show and describe for us the view from your window, then spend a further 90 seconds to explain how the view changes over time.
- Within your video you must be visible, speak clearly in English and look towards the camera. Ensure you record yourself alone and the audio is clear.
- Please ensure you read PebblePad's file uploads and limits when submitting your video. If you have declared a learning difference or a disability in your application you may submit an audio or written file if this task is not accessible to you.
- 请提交一个3分钟的视频,需要用其中90秒展示和描述你窗外望出的景象,然后再用90秒的时间解释景象如何随着时间而发生变化。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 如在申请中事先声明是残障人士,或因不可抗力无法提交此视频,学生可选择提交音频或书面材料替代。
CSM 中央圣马丁学院
MA Industrial Design
硕士 工业设计专业
- As part of your portfolio application we ask that you include a 2-3 minute video, within this video:
- Please identify one project which challenged you and your understanding of Industrial Design – explaining how the project advanced your practice. Tell us how this experience has motivated you to undertake study on MA Industrial Design.
- You must be visible, speak clearly in English and look toward the camera. Record yourself alone and ensure the audio is clear.
- Use whichever method of filming that's easiest for you e.g. mobile phone or laptop.
- If you have declared a learning difference or a disability in your application you may submit an audio or written file if this task is not accessible to you.
- 作为作品集申请的一部分,学生需提供一个2-3分钟的视频。
- 选出一个你认为最有挑战性的项目并阐述你对工业设计的理解,并解释该项目如何推进了你的实践,如何激励你选择学习硕士工业设计这门学科?
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 视频录制工具可选择手机或电脑即可。
- 如在申请中事先声明是残障人士,或因不可抗力无法提交此视频,学生可选择提交音频或书面材料替代。
LCC 伦敦传媒学院
MA Graphic Branding and Identity
硕士 品牌形象设计专业
- We’d like you to submit a 2-minute video to help us understand a bit more about you. Please discuss your answers to the questions below:
- Why is this the right time for you to study for a Master’s degree?
- Why do you believe MA Graphic Branding and Identity is the right degree for you?
- How do you imagine studying on the course MA Graphic Branding and Identity will transform your current design practice?
- Refer to the following guidance when recording your video:
- Your video must be a maximum length of 2 minutes in real time. It should have a maximum file size of 512MB and be recorded in landscape orientation.
- Please use whichever method of filming is easiest for you e.g. mobile phone, laptop or digital video camera.
- You must be visibly in frame, speak clearly in English, and look towards the camera.
- You should record the clip alone and ensure that the audio is clear.
- Upload your video to PebblePad as one of the 'image' files in the same upload as your portfolio of work.
- Read further advice about PebblePad uploads and file guidance.
- 作为申请的一部分,学生需提供一个2分钟的视频,并回答以下问题:
- 为什么现阶段是你攻读研究生等级课程的最佳时间?
- 为什么选择品牌形象设计这门硕士课程?
- 品牌形象设计硕士课程的学习将如何改变你的设计实践?
- 在录制视频时,请注意以下事项:
- 视频少于2分钟,最大512MB,横屏录制。
- 视频录制工具可选择手机或电脑即可。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 作为作品集其中一页,将视频和作品集上传至同一平台PebblePad。
LCC 伦敦传媒学院
MA Graphic Media Design
硕士 平面媒体设计专业
- We’d like you to submit a 2-minute video to help us understand a bit more about you. Please discuss one piece of work that you’ve included in your portfolio and tell us about the motivation for your study proposal.
- Refer to the following guidance when recording your video:
- Your video must be a maximum length of 2 minutes in real time. It should have a maximum file size of 512MB and be recorded in landscape orientation.
- Please use whichever method of filming is easiest for you e.g. mobile phone, laptop or digital video camera.
- You must be visibly in frame, speak clearly in English, and look towards the camera.
- You should record the clip alone and ensure that the audio is clear.
- Upload your video to PebblePad as one of the 'image' files in the same upload as your portfolio of work.
- Read further advice about PebblePad uploads and file guidance.
- In total, you must submit no more than 19 portfolio of work ‘images’ plus 1 video ‘image file’ (a total of 20 ‘image’ files) for this part of your application.
- 作为申请的一部分,需提供一个2分钟的视频。学生需选择作品集中的一个项目进行讨论,并讲述自己的研究计划。
- 在录制视频时,请注意以下事项:
- 视频少于2分钟,最大512MB,横屏录制。
- 视频录制工具可选择手机或电脑即可。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 将视频和作品集上传至同一平台PebblePad,共上传19张作品集图片和1个视频,文件总是不超过20个。
LCC 伦敦传媒学院
MA Interaction Design Communication
硕士 交互设计专业
- We would like you to submit a 2-minute video to help us understand a bit more about you.
- Your video: Please discuss how you feel your practice is situated in a wider political, social, or cultural context.
- Refer to the following guidance when recording your video:
- Your video must be a maximum length of 2 minutes in real time. It should have a maximum file size of 512MB and be recorded in landscape orientation.
- Please use whichever method of filming is easiest for you - e.g. mobile phone, laptop or digital video camera.
- You must be visibly in frame, speak clearly in English, and look towards the camera.
- You should record the clip alone and ensure that the audio is clear.
- Upload your video to PebblePad as one of the 'image' files in the same upload as your portfolio of work.
- Read further advice about PebblePad uploads and file guidance.
- In total, you must submit no more than 19 portfolio of work ‘images’ plus 1 video ‘image file’ (a total of 20 ‘image’ files) for this part of your application.
- 作为申请的一部分,需提供一个2分钟的视频。在视频中,请讨论在广泛的政治、社会或文化背景下你的设计实践意义。
- 在录制视频时,请注意以下事项:
- 视频少于2分钟,最大512MB,横屏录制。
- 视频录制工具可选择手机或电脑即可。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 将视频和作品集上传至同一平台PebblePad,共上传19张作品集图片和1个视频,文件总是不超过20个。
LCC 伦敦传媒学院
MA User Experience Design
硕士 用户体验设计专业
- We’d like you to submit a 2-minute video to help us understand a bit more about you. Within your video tell us about a piece of work in your portfolio, the one you think is the best. Why did you do it? How did you do it?
- Refer to the following guidance when recording your video:
- Your video must be a maximum length of 2 minutes in real time. It should have a maximum file size of 512MB and be recorded in landscape orientation
- Please use whichever method of filming is easiest for you e.g. mobile phone, laptop or digital video camera
- You must be visibly in frame, speak clearly in English, and look towards the camera
- You should record the clip alone and ensure that the audio is clear
- Upload your video to PebblePad as one of the 'image' files in the same upload as your portfolio of work
- Read further advice about PebblePad uploads and file guidance
- In total, you must submit no more than 19 portfolio of work ‘images’ plus 1 video ‘image file’ (a total of 20 ‘image’ files) for this part of your application.
- 作为申请的一部分,请提交一个2分钟的视频,以帮助我们更多地了解你。在视频中请对作品集中你最满意的一个项目进行讲解,包括:1. 你为什么要做这个项目?2. 你的创作过程是怎样的?
- 在录制视频时,请注意以下事项:
- 视频少于2分钟,最大512MB,横屏录制。
- 视频录制工具可选择手机或电脑即可。
- 需本人独自出境,正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
- 将视频和作品集上传至同一平台PebblePad,共上传19张作品集图片和1个视频,文件总是不超过20个。
LCF 伦敦时装学院
MA Global Fashion Retailing
硕士 全球时尚零售专业
LCF 伦敦时装学院
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing
硕士 时尚战略市场营销专业